B2B Meetings - How does it work?
A matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners in face-2-face talks. 30 minutes run fast but it is enough to build a first connection before the virtual bell rings and the next talk starts. All meetings take place online!

1) Register for access
- Register via the green "Register now" button
- Create a clear and concise business profile to raise your visibility on this platform.
- Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners and who you want to meet.
- You can submit as many offers (Expertise and Project Cooperation) and requests (Request) to the Marketplace as you like.
- A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests. Your profile will be visible before, during and after the event.
- All the information must be written in English and will be checked and validated before being included in the catalogue. If mandatory information gaps exist or the information you input is unclear, we will contact you to resolve the issue. Profiles that are incomplete, unclear, or irrelevant to the event will not be published.
2) Browse profiles of attendees
Find out who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities. Use the navigation options and search function in the Participants and Marketplace pages to find your match.
3) Send & receive meeting requests
- from 25th May 2020
Be active not reactive!
Browse published participants profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet at the event. Adding a meaningful remark why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted.
Accepted meeting requests will be scheduled according to mutual availability* and preference. Thus, you have immediate access to time and date of a meeting.
*Make yourself available as much as possible! When accepting a meeting request you will see all mutually available timeslots and can decide on your preferred date/time of the meeting.
4) Attend competition & country specific webinars - from 1st June 2020
Within the website, browse the agenda page which details a range of competition and country specific webinars. Items you select from the Event Agenda will be added to your (My) Agenda.
5) Meet
Hold your pre-arranged meetings and talk face-2-face with each other online. Virtual meetings are timed to be no longer than 30 minutes. This is usually enough to make a connection but please keep in mind that you cannot overrun.
You can continue to send meeting requests to other participants to have more meetings.
6) Submit your application to Energy Catalyst Round 8
When available, the like to the Innovation Funding Service (IFS) will be posted here to enable you to upload your application to the Energy Catalyst Round 8 competition.
Please contact: energycatalyst@innovateuk.ukri.org
B2B Meetings - A short YouTube intro